Does Balatro Have Cross-Save or Cross-Progression? – Insider Gaming

Balatro having cross-progression or cross-save would mean you can play the roguelike on any platform, save your data, and resume your progress on another format. Many games utilize a similar infrastructure, but a lesser indie title like Balatro isn’t guaranteed to use this.
Developer LocalThunk’s Indie Game of the Year card game has an easy premise. You battle through several rounds (Antes), needing to score enough points to advance from Blind to Blind. Each new run sees you use different Jokers and utilize a variety of upgrades. The sense of progression comes when you unlock new Decks—such as the Plasma Deck—and new Jokers: I’m looking at you Hit The Road and Brainstorm.
Unlocking new content makes future runs more fun. However, say you’re playing PS5, and want to start on Mobile, cross-progression is handy. Let’s tell you
everything we know about a cross-save system and its status.
Balatro currently does not incorporate any type of cross-save or cross-progression functionality.
The game’s official FAQ features a question titled, “Can I carry my game progress over from another platform?” If you open up this query, it explains “At this time, it’s not possible to transfer your profile from another platform to mobile.”
It doesn’t matter if you’re on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, or Nintendo Switch, your Balatro progress has to stay on one platform. I find this disappointing as I can’t bring myself to start a whole new save file when I have so many hours invested on PS5.
You don’t need to feel downhearted as it doesn’t look like it’ll stay like this forever.
Developer LocalThunk has confirmed cross-progression and/or cross-save “is on the roadmap for future updates.
Again, using the FAQ as a reference point, when discussing game progress, a future patch is looking to bring cross-progression in. Unfortunately, we can’t find a timeframe for this yet, meaning it could be in the next update, or a few months from now.
I for one am desperate to see this included. Once cross-save is a thing, I’ll be happy to sink hours into Balatro via my phone. A final, tense run before bed is the perfect remedy to help me sleep, right?
Keep checking back as we look to bring you an update on this feature being added.
Will cross-progression’s planned addition encourage you to pick up Balatro on more platforms? Could this be a feature to catapult Balatro into the stars and cement itself as an inclusive roguelike catering to its die-hard community?
Take a look at what the Blank Voucher does and how to properly use the Séance Joker while you think about your answer.
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