Bills would regulate high-risk artificial intelligence use in Virginia – WWBT

RICHMOND, Va. (VIRGINIA MERCURY) – Emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, have generated public safety and privacy concerns that Virginia lawmakers could address within the coming weeks, the Virginia Mercury reports.
Del. Michelle Maldonado, D-Manassas, and Sen. Lashrecse Aird, D-Petersburg, are sponsoring legislation — backed by the Joint Commission on Technology and Science — to regulate the high-risk artificial intelligence systems that are becoming more commonly used in critical infrastructure and industries, from health care and law enforcement, to education and employment.
Under Maldonado’s House Bill 2121, AI developers would be required to document their technology’s origin and history of development and make that information publicly accessible.
Maldonado is also carrying HB 2094, which would create requirements for developing, deploying and using high-risk artificial intelligence systems and civil penalties for noncompliance. HB2250 would allow consumers to authorize a company to opt out of allowing others to use their personal information.
Aird’s Senate Bill 1214, which has not been filed yet, would create requirements for establishing high-risk artificial systems used by public government bodies such as local governments, colleges and universities and regional boards. Virginia’s chief information officer would be responsible for creating policies and procedures regarding AI systems that employ high-risk artificial intelligence systems that are consistent with the bill’s requirements.
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