Technology Tricks That Help Keep Your Home Organized And Tidy – House Digest

You probably know the typical technology tricks, like using Google Maps to avoid that traffic jam on the freeway on your commute home, or using your phone’s calendar alerts to remind you of that meeting coming up. But did you know technology can also help you keep your home neat and organized? (And we don’t just mean turning your house into a smart home, although there’s some pretty cool technology available if you want to.)
Many homeowners already have full plates that include busy schedules and long to-do lists, meaning there isn’t always time to figure out how to install the latest new home tech. But the following technology tricks are easy to wrap your head around, and can help you keep on top of where you stashed last year’s holiday wrapping paper, figure out when it’s time to change your HVAC filter, and even create an easy cleaning routine that fits your schedule. All you need is your trusty smartphone and a little time.

If you don’t know how to start decluttering, or you struggle to keep up with a regular cleaning routine, check out the home cleaning apps on your smartphone’s app store. This technology can help you keep on top of what to clean and when — and even sometimes how — making it easy to maintain a tidy space. Many apps come with different features, so check a few out to see which one works best for you. Sweepy, Tody, and Tidy all have over 4.6 stars on the Apple App Store and have great reviews.
While label makers are a genius tool you can use around the house, QR codes can level up your organizational system. Open a new Google Sheet, make a separate tab for each storage area, then list the items inside. Copy the link of each tab, head to your favorite QR generator (Canva’s free generator is great for this), and paste the link to generate a QR code. Print, then tape it to the box. Now, you can easily see what’s stored where. Plus, having everything on Google Sheets makes it easy to decide if you really need more holiday wrapping paper while you’re at the store.
Make home management easier by setting up reminders to change your HVAC or water filters on your smartphone, share the grocery list virtually with your family, or ask your smartphone or smart speaker to remind you to set up home maintenance appointments.


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