Warframe – Mag Prime Build – Lords of Gaming

Lords of Gaming (LOGNET) is all about passion and chasing dreams. The roots of LOGNET don’t fall on one person, but rather a collective group of gamers determined to become a part of the video games media. 
One of the very first warframe’s you can get in Warframe is Mag. Mag is the magnetic armor stripping and crowd controlling beast of a warframe. Seeing as you will get your hands on her pretty early on, you will need some tips on what to aim for when it comes to your mod set up. Obviously, this build will cover Mag Prime who is only available through Prime Resurgence, but you can achieve this same build to the same effect with the regular Mag.

Below will be the build I have been using for Mag Prime, which can be applied to normal as well. You will need at least two Formas for this build:
Narrow Minded, Fleeting Expertise, Overextended and Transient Fortitude are all Corrupted Mods. Which you will need to do Derelict Orokin Vaults to obtain. Primed Continuity will need to be bought by Baro Ki’teer, but its appearance in his inventory is random. As well as Precision Intensify needing to be obtained from the Entrati Labs in Whispers in the Walls.
Now, onto the reasons for this build, Molt Augmented and Arcane Aegis will ensure you gain more Power Strength over the course of a mission, and ensure your shields stay up. A nice balance between Duration, Efficiency and Range with Precision Intensify picking up the slack for her fourth ability makes a deadly combo. As the Fracturing Crush augment ensures you crowd control enemies, strip their armor and gain overshields. It has been my go-to for years, even going into the endgame content.
Finally, below will be the Archon Shards I selected for her. You will need to complete Veilbreaker, and unlock the associated helminth segment:
Obviously, these are for flavor, more casting speed is great, with more survivability and subsuming onto her Eclipse from Mirage for damage reduction and buffs when needed.
I hope this build helps you along the way in Warframe, Tenno!
Associate Editor and writer for all things Warframe and Soulframe. Xbox/PSN: LivingIgnis Steam: A glittery moose Twitter: @FlameLOGNET
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